Alternative living – alternative thinking.
Despite having a history of traveling world wide as well as living in motor homes, caravans, retreats, holiday lets and villas. Since Veronica and I left our flat in Cardiff last June for a life of travel, exploring and adventure. There has been a time of huge adjustment and change.

Now the dust is settling I can honestly say of myself, everyday decisions have become a lot easier to make and day to day life seems far more rewarding, fulfilling and healthier. As we travel, we perform magic shows, share stories and provide workshops through our School of Busking and provides alternative life coaching.
What has had to change in accordance to our lifestyle is ourselves. For example I was once overly concerned of what others thought of me, I have grown to realise that is an incredible waste of time and energy. Even simple tasks such as ordering food are so much smoother and faster, I once use to pore over the menu as if I was buying house instead of a meal.
It is hard to determine what has brought about a more fulfilling outlook. Perhaps the change of lifestyle or age and experience or a finer balance of both. Perhaps I have been inspired by those I have coached, who have achieved there own alternative aims, goals and dreams. One thing is for certain I have no regrets in living in the fullness of our dream.
Over the last decade we have received countless of emails from people who have set of on all sorts of adventurers, world travels, winning national awards, cycling around the UK coast line, living off grid and so on. When we receive these reports from people saying they been inspired by what we do, this blows my mind. Some of these reports have come from people I have coached through my qualified coaching practice (PGC). Others have just heard or followed our story until they felt they should make contact with us.

We are deeply passionate in encouraging people to live there dream. If you are wanting to make changes in your life why not contact me for a free coaching consultation. If you have a story you like to share with us we would love to hear from you.