A Path for All Wizards, Wherever You Are on Your Journey.

Whether you were with us during the Bizarre Glastonbury weekend recently or you have previously attended a weekend gatherings with us, or perhaps you are considering joining us for a live event in the future –  one thing is certain the magic we experienced was transformative, and it can continue to enrich our lives long after.

This is your invitation to carry forward the lessons we learned, whether you attended in person or are feeling called to be part of our magical community in the future.

Let’s explore how to stay connected to your inner wizard, keep the magic flowing, and perhaps spark curiosity if you’re considering joining us for one of our transformational weekends.

1. Live the Wisdom of the Fool

We all begin as The Fool on our journey into magic. The Fool reminds us that the magic lies in trusting the unknown. During our weekend, we explored this through tarot, seeing The Fool as a symbol of new beginnings and curiosity.

  • Embrace the Fool’s Spirit: No matter where you are on your path, approach life as an adventure. Be open to trying new things and trust that the universe will guide you. Even if you’ve never practised magic before, it all begins with a single step—just like The Fool standing at the edge of the cliff.
  • Begin Your Tarot Journey: If tarot calls to you, start simply by pulling a daily card. Ask yourself what guidance The Fool might offer you today. The card is a reminder that magic often happens when you’re willing to trust and step into the unknown.

2. The Power of Incense

Incense offers us a way to connect with the magic of intention and sensory experiences.

  • Daily Incense Ritual: Incense can be a powerful tool for centring and grounding. As the smoke rises, reflect on your intentions or simply use it to create a magical atmosphere. Lighting incense can help you reconnect with your intentions or set the tone for your day.

3. Keep Welcoming the Elements

At Bizarre Glastonbury, we embraced the power of the elements during our fire ritual—calling in air, fire, water, and earth as forces of transformation. These elements are accessible to everyone, whether you were part of our fire ritual or are simply interested in connecting with them.

  • Work with the Elements Daily: You don’t need a complicated or big ritual to connect with the elements. Light a candle (fire), take a few deep breaths (air), touch the soil (earth), or spend a few moments with water, whether it’s in your bath or a local river. Let these elements remind you of the magic that exists within you.

4. Renew and Reforge in Water

We took to the sacred Springs to cleanse and wash away that no longer served us, symbolising a fresh start. Create your own cleansing ritual by connecting with water, one of the most powerful natural elements.

  • Create Your Own Water Ritual: Whenever you feel stuck or heavy with old energy, connect with water. Visualize your burdens being washed away under a shower or by holding a bowl of water in your hands, imagining it purifying and renewing you. This simple act can be a powerful way to let go and re-center yourself.

5. Walk the Path of Earth Magic

Earth magic is one of the simplest and most accessible ways to connect with nature’s energy. Whether you’re a seasoned wizard or just starting, walking in nature or working with the earth offers a deep sense of grounding.

  • Connect with Nature Regularly: Take a few minutes each day to walk in a nearby park or sit with a plant at home. Feel the earth beneath your feet, listen to the rustle of the wind, or simply enjoy the beauty of the natural world. These small acts remind us that magic is all around us, in the simplest moments.
  • Create Sacred Earth Altars: If you’re new to magic, start by creating an altar with natural items that resonate with you—stones, leaves, flowers. This altar can serve as a space for reflection, intention-setting, and grounding your energy each day.

6. Reflect on What the Experience Could Mean for You

At the end of all the transformational weekends we host,  we share what the experience meant to each of us. Reflection is a powerful practice, whether you’ve already attended or are thinking of joining us in the future.

  • Journal Your Thoughts: Journaling is a powerful way to turn thoughts into reality. Writing something down gives it energy, clarity, and focus, helping us process emotions, set intentions, and reflect on life. It’s a simple act that breathes life into our inner world, sparking growth and insight.
  • Stay Connected to the Community: You don’t have to wait until the next festival to be part of the magic! Join our Magic Wizardry Facebook Page  and sign up for our Newsletter to stay in touch with like-minded souls, share insights, and learn from each other. Our community is open and inclusive, and whether you’ve attended or are curious about joining, you are welcome.

7. Set Intentions for Your Magical Path

Set your magical intentions and start cultivating your practice today.

  • Set New Magical Goals: Whether it’s tarot, connecting with the elements, or exploring earth magic, set goals for your own practice. You don’t have to be an expert—magic is a journey of discovery, and we are all learning as we go.
  • Stay Curious and Open: Like The Fool, stay open to new experiences. Whether you’re stepping into magic for the first time or deepening your practice, trust that the journey will unfold in magical ways.

Keep walking your path, fellow wizards. There’s so much wonder waiting to be discovered, and we’re here to support you on your magical journey. Whether through readings, coaching, or if you can join us for future live event – we’re here to help you cultivate and grow your magic.

Stay magical!

Veronica and Mario

Magic Wizardry